Sunday, February 28, 2010

God is showing up all over Monterrey: not only in the breathtaking views of His creation but in the smiles of the few people that are in a movement to spread the gospel...........much help is needed and YOU don't want to miss this opportunity to serve the One that is calling us there!

Monterrey is such a beautiful city. The population is between 5 and 6 million and they are all driving in the streets! We visited the flag site which is a beautiful place to see the city from all views. The views are absolutely breath-taking. It is so amazing to think about our great Creator, the original artist. How can anyone see creation in all its beauty and doubt there is a God? I see God everywhere here. I see Him in the mountains, the flags, the people, the bright shiny sky during the day, the beautiful orange sunsets, the orphans, the developing churches and even the busy streets!

Less than 1% of the people that live here are Prostestant. There is a HUGE need for church development. There are areas that serve thousands of people with no Christian church. MTW is doing a great job in assisting with this project. I visited several churches that have been planted under the umbrello of this project and I have been quite impressed. Impressed with the organization, the churches, the training, the members and the pastors. Today, I heard a sermon on Abraham and it is by far the BEST sermon on Abraham that I have ever heard. The pastor is very young and very much on fire for Christ and desiring to spread the gospel in his home land. There is a HUGE need for teams to come here and to assists with these church plants. They have needs to help with church building, renovations, VBS, sports ministries, womens and mens ministries, youth ministries, music, and much, much more!

Tomorrow I will visit the director of the orphanage for a planning session for Heal Ministries.......only two days left and sad I am leaving so soon. For the orphan that will not be adopted, we can offer Hope. We can tell them of God's love and guide them in the future and revisit them year after year. We can become their family and see that their future is bright. We have the opportunity to enlarge the Kingdom. We have the privaledge of serving God and looking after the ones that cannot defend themselves, the ones that He instructed us to look after. It all starts with James 1:27......pure religion............orphans and widows............

There is a need for us all to get proactive and do our part. Each of our parts look different from each other........some are called to adopt, some are called to pray, some are called to donate to help the cause, some are called to go on a mission trip and serve, thing for sure....we are ALL CALLED! I'm thankful that God has confirmed my calling and humbled that I can be of any use to Him.


Friday, February 26, 2010


Arriving in Monterrey, Mexico was a sweet surprise. The population is around 5 million and except for the Spanish signs everywhere, it looks like a large city in the states. The city is so beautiful. It looks like it could be a large city in the desert with mountains surrounding it. The scenery is as beautiful as the people that live here. I was greeted by Carol Oban, a missionary that is a member of my church and stayed with her the first night. The next two nights I'm staying with a local family. They have three daughters that laugh all the time so I fit in perfectly! This trip is allowing me to visit with MTW and see all the church planting programs. I am working with one of the church planters and his wife on a Heal Ministries future team trip that will focus on women's ministry and one of the orphanages that they support, Casa Hogar.

Today was a treat visiting Casa Hogar Orphanage. There are about 40 children that live here and I quickly bonded with the newest member. The beautiful baby girl has only been here for about a month. The children greeted the team with songs and we all had dinner together. One of the sweetest friends that I have made is named Martha. She is the director of the orphanage and has such a sweet spirit! She is a true image of Jesus in the skin to the children. Martha and Ruth are pictured together here. Ruth is the wife of Andres (MTW team leader here in church planting) and we are going to be working together to plan a women's conference.

I'm so thankful that I am able to plan the future Mexico trip with the ladies here. Although Mexico is much more of a family oriented country than the U.S. in several ways, there are many hurting women that have a need of knowing the One that will never abandon them. Heal Ministries will return with a team that will focus on the women's ministry here as well as partnering with the orphanage to run a VBS for the children and assists in a project that the orphanage needs in upkeep.

The ONLY difference in people that you might not look like, you might have different color skin, you might have different cultures, you might eat differently and talk different languages is........ the place of birth. I am constantly reminded of the one thing that all people in all lands have in common: we all need Jesus!

About H.E.A.L. Ministries...

My photo
H.E.A.L.’s vision is to bring hope and healing to widows, orphans, and abandoned women and children in a Christ-centered environment. HEAL Ministries was founded on James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."