The last 17 days in Africa have been amazing. It is hard to conclude the trip because it will take months to process, maybe years for some team members. And yet, we will always have the images in our heads and hearts. some of the pics posted reveal what was seen through the camera and often give a perspective of Jesus' view. We have seen Jesus in the eyes of people and we have heard Jesus through the laughter, music and songs of the people. The touch of a child's hand, the hugs from a child in an orphanage, the hope in a child's eyes as we handed a plate of food, the smiles from moms afar as they watched their children at VBS having fun, the smiles of Pastor Young in Cape Town and Pastor Isaac in Uganda, all reflect the heart of Jesus. Did we go and make a difference or did we go to learn the true meaning of Hope through Jesus Christ? It is truly hard to say: we pray that we made a difference just by serving and building relationships but the truth is: we came back changed. We came back with HOPE for Africa. We came back with HOPE for our own lives because of what we learned there. We came back knowing more than ever that we serve a God that loves us more than we deserve and we learned that HOPE is the same universally. We learned that there is not much difference in the two continents when it comes to people and we learned that their JOY is contagious and will carry in our hearts forever. We will see our brothers and sisters from Africa again and we will pray for them always.
Africa is beautiful: the people, the landscape, the sunsets, the feet, the hands, the music, the laughter, the songs, the dance and the hearts of the people that have taught us more about our Creator and made the trip worthwhile.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Our last day in Uganda was very rewarding. We visited Katie Davis's feeding program on Saturday and had the priviledge and opportunity to help serve over 300 kids. We also assisted in the Amazima feeding program by helping to sort beans, rice and flour that the children take home to their families. This program is remarkable and it is quite impressive how patient the children are, how well run the program is and how Katie had the insight to have the Ugandan people run the program.
One of the sweetest moments of the last two days was being entertained by the children. First, Katie's 14 girls (that's right, I said 14!) sang and danced for us in their home and then we were entertained by the children at Canaan Children's Home for the last night's program. A song the children sang said "Reach our your hands and help our wounded hearts" and it was all we could do to listen. These children in this wonderful village near Jinja have had a hard life. They have had lives with trials that most of us will never encounter. And yet, the joy of their hearts reveal that the only hope is truly in Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the ambassadors of Christ that we have met here. All the leaders of the Amani Baby Cottage, Canaan Children's Home and Katie Davis. They are truly Jesus in the skin to a broken village that is being restored and redeemed before our very eyes.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Uganda has been an amazing experience for H.E.AL. Ministries. We have developed strong relationships with the Canaan Children's Home. Last night, as we listened to Pastor Isaac's testimony, I knew that we must come back. We will send more teams to assists this area. Pastor Isaac has a vision for orphan teams and women's ministry teams in the villages.
Today, our team spoke to the school. As we shared the three points that the Head of School asked us to share, God confirmed that we are where we are supposed to be. We shared about God, the importance of education and dreaming of careers. The majority of the children are from single mom homes. The majority of the children are so poor that they cannot afford shoes or even school uniforms that are required. Our prayer is that we left them with the realization that they can be anyone they want to be through Christ. It doesn't matter what their situation or family life is like. God is Father to the Fatherless.
I was so pleased as I looked around and took pictures. I was pleased because everyone was smiling and laughing and playing games. All twelve team members have been just that. They have been team members here to make a difference. Once again, God showed me a day of His glory through the lens of a camera: laughter at school, children eating and dancing and playing and learning and enjoying life. This is why I was pleased as I looked through the lens.
H.E.A.L.’s vision is to bring hope and healing to widows, orphans, and abandoned women and children in a Christ-centered environment.
HEAL Ministries was founded on James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."