Saturday, July 10, 2010

one of my favorite projects that we did was the house that a local lady (Lydia and her mother) started for battered women. It will be used as shelter for women that need a place to go. The house is pictured above and we were humbled to be able to contribute in a very small way but it left a very huge place in our heart. When we finished the floors (cleaned them a previous day and painted them another day) I took a picture of the house both outside and inside. The new clean floors reminded us all of how Christ makes our hearts clean and it is through Him that all hope comes from. Lydia is pictured above with Marci and I. The team left five mattresses for the house until furniture can be purchased. I would love for someone to provide the funds to furnish the house. It just needs some living room furniture and bunk beds. The kitchen needs to be furnished with supplies. I'm praying that when I visit in August the funds will be available to assists with this with the women's team that is going.

There are not many opportunities for the men to make money in Belize. Many are without jobs and some are working and only make $5 to $10 dollars per week. Because of the hopelessness that many men feel, they have resorted to drugs and alcohol and some women are being verbally and physically abused. The only widespread business is the sugar cane business and they are even having problems in that area this year. This house will provide a place for women to run to if they need help. They will learn there that they need to run to the Lord for all things and there is always hope.

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About H.E.A.L. Ministries...

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H.E.A.L.’s vision is to bring hope and healing to widows, orphans, and abandoned women and children in a Christ-centered environment. HEAL Ministries was founded on James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."