Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stories from Jinja

Our team has fallen in love with the people here. We want to share about some of the sweet relationships that have taken place.

Steven (known as Mweh-Ruh) is 8 years old. He is autistic. He lives at the Amani Baby Cottage. He has stolen our hearts. He jumps up and down when we enter the gates of the orphanage. When he is not clapping and dancing because he is so happy, he is running up to us to hold him. The Amani Baby Cottage does not have to keep him. At age five, they move to a different orphanage. This child is loved and cared for and the mommas in the orphanage are "Jesus in the skin" to him. Because he is so loveable, another volunteer is starting a special needs orphanage to house children like Mweh-Ruh. God has shown up in him, and the people that serve him. God is looking out for His children like Mweh-ruh.

Twins at Amani: Pray for the father of the twins. He works hard and visits his children. While visiting them, he sees their mother in their eyes. She died at childbirth. He is hoping to find help so that the twins can return to his home. He loves his children. There are so many instances that children are in orphanages and have caring families. While some may look at it as sad, Amani chooses to look at it as an opportunity to help a family out. They are working with this dad to help him achieve this goal. While the best situation is for all children to remain with families, this is not the the result most often achieved. This will be one situation that will end wonderfully. There are over 145 million orphans and only 250,000 adopted each year. We have learned how thankful we are that there are orphanages that not only help children get adopted, but help families get back together. H.E.A.L. Ministries will help out with this orphanage's feeding program through the sales of t-shirts and wristbands over the next six months. When we return in July, we hope to not only serve but return with supplies and money to help out.

Momma Alicia lives in the village. She has a dirt floor hut and outdoor kitchen. Her family lives in huts close by. She represents many widows. It is not only a struggle to survive in the village but for a widow, it is much harder. Momma Alicia has reminded us that God and family are the most important part of life. Her simple life has reassured us that God is not only in everything but over everything. There is no amount of money that can change anyone's relationship with Him. Momma Alicia has shown us how we should treat each other. She has shown us love. She has shown us God.

Thomas is a Christian boat guide. He takes tourist around the Nile River and teaches about the history of the river and the Ugandan people. When I asked him if we would see monkeys along the banks he said "if you believe that we will and God chooses". He always smiled and always wanted to please us. He told us stories about the Nile River and the people that live there. His stories revealed how proud he was of his native land and the people that reside in Uganda.
God chose to show us monkeys that day and Thomas reminded us to always rely on Him even in the little things.

Our team had one day of relaxing and it was quite a wonderful day to be able to take a boat ride in the Nile River. We ate lunch downtown Jinja and then relaxed at the guest house. We have learned the value of time in Uganda and we have learned that from the people here. We are hoping that when we return home this time, we won't forget all that we have learned about God, His people, and the values of family and relationships.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a joy it is to see your pictures and hear your stories of this wonderful trip!! May god continue to bless all of you and show you all His great Love!! Mimi is praying about being able to go with you to Africa in July!! Love you bunches!!


About H.E.A.L. Ministries...

My photo
H.E.A.L.’s vision is to bring hope and healing to widows, orphans, and abandoned women and children in a Christ-centered environment. HEAL Ministries was founded on James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."