Sunday, April 01, 2012

It takes a Village

I have been getting back into my routine since the HEAL board of directors and advisors left and in doing so, life seems back to normal. I miss my friends already and I am so thankful that they were here and saw first hand God's calling on this ministry.

I handed out letters from students back home that have been on HEAL teams in the past to the kids at Canaan and it was so fun to watch them open the letters. Such simple things in building relationships mean so much. It made me realize that I need to start a pen pal program with some of the kids here.

One of the joys that I receive is in distributing shoes and Children's Vitamins to the different orphanages. When we thought of this drive a couple of years ago, I never dreamed that children would benefit for years. Not only do they get a new pair of shoes, but they are able to attend school because schools here require black shoes. We received several suitcases full of black, closed toe BOBS shoes which serve a dual purpose: play and school. Many people have participated in the SHOES and Vitamins drive. Soles for Souls helped us out by donating several suitcases of BOBS shoes by Skechers. We have a need for adult size black shoes right now because most of the smaller children were able to receive shoes but the older teenage girls and boys did not get a pair because there were no adult sizes.

I spent Saturday afternoon helping kids fit shoes and then met with the teenage girls at Canaan to give them their sanitary pads. They were so happy and excited to receive them. I can't imagine being a teenage girl and worrying about such private issues. They are so thankful and joyful. The drive called "paper for paper Project" is based on this very concept: that every girl deserves security monthly and a paper dollar helps to give a paper product that gives that security and confidence to a beautiful young lady.

Many of you reading this have helped us with these projects and we are so thankful. As I visit the villages here and see the love of everyone helping each other and the love from everyone around the world helping orphanages here, I realize that it really does take a village. God uses each of us working together to complete His tasks. I noticed one of the older girls, Esther, carefully trying to fit her younger brothers and sisters with a new pair of shoes. She so wanted to make sure that every one of them received the perfect size and then she asked me if she could hand out their vitamins for that day because of how the children love them. She also came up and asked me for pads for one of the girls that was away and one of the auntees that was away for the day. They have learned to look out for each other.

God puts us all together so carefully and I'm thankful that it does take a village. It takes us all working together, helping one another and serving one another. The people here, most especially the children, have truly taught me about unconditional love and looking out for each other. The children all work together even with the chores, separating rice, cleaning laundry, and even assisting me when I'm around. I'm so blessed and thankful to be a part of this village.......

"Missions is the overflow of our delight in God because missions is the overflow of God's delight in being God." – John Piper


  1. I was thrilled to be able to send the pads, vitamins and razors during this last trip. I would love to know of any future opportunity to mail items over or send with someone.
    Amanda Harrison
    Nashville, TN

  2. Thank you so much Amanda for your love and service to the children here in Uganda. If you would like to do more in the future please contact us at

    blessings to you!


About H.E.A.L. Ministries...

My photo
H.E.A.L.’s vision is to bring hope and healing to widows, orphans, and abandoned women and children in a Christ-centered environment. HEAL Ministries was founded on James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."