Sunday, February 05, 2012

No snow in Africa!

January and February are the hottest months here in Uganda......and HOT it is! I visited the Canaan Children's Home on Saturday afternoon and it seemed hotter in the village of Buziiki than in town by the lake. We had a Bible Study with the children and then I got to spend some time with the older girls. We talked about girl stuff and then one little girl asked me to explain snow. Think about that.......trying to explain snow to a little girl that has never even seen it! It made me think of the song that was written during the 1980's "and there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas they know it's Christmas time at all?" and they do.

They don't need snow or winter time to know about Christmas. They are probably even better off because they know the real meaning of Christmas. Talking to the girls about Christ and faith and purity was on a new level. I told them about my visit to the Pregnancy Crisis Center and how my heart was broken over a 14 year old girl that was having a baby. I told them about her being kicked out of her home and even out of her village because she was considered a disgrace. It scared them. I explained that I wasn't trying to scare them but that I was trying to paint a picture of why it is important to remain pure. We talked about how no male should take advantage of them and how love waits. Then, that same little girl that asked about snow raised her hand when I asked if there were any questions. She wanted to talk more about snow! For that 12 year old girl, the conversation had gotten too serious and she was ready to talk about snow again.

The snow made me think of how innocent the girls were and how that innocence is taken away so many times here. Sex trafficking is a sickness that must be dealt with. It happens countries all over Africa, Europe and the U.S. On this Super Bowl Sunday, there will be girls that are sold for sex in all those continents in various countries. For the little girl that wanted to learn about snow, I ask for prayer. Prayer for all little girls at all ages that their innocence will not be stolen.
After Bible Study, I watched the children on the playground. They were playing and laughing and what struck me the most was how the older children looked after the younger children. One boy was helping a younger boy down the slide and onto the monkey bars. Another older girl was teaching younger girls how to do jump rope games. The older girls were helping each other with laundry. All around, the Canaan children were working together, playing together and helping one another. They were finishing chores, cleaning rooms and making sure their sisters and brothers were finished so they could play. They are family.
Trey was able to go with me today to visit the children at Canaan and I was glad because they love him so much! We left Canaan and stopped by the boarding school where our friend John lives. He is the 18 year old young man that I wrote about a week ago who wished he had a pillow. We stopped by to give him his new pillow and he was all smiles.
I am blessed. I get to visit children and see their smiles. I get to love on them, talk with them, serve them and build relationships with them. It's not about the snow or the pillow or even me. It is about growing stronger in Christ and spreading hope.

There won't be snow in Africa but there will be smiles and love and .........................

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About H.E.A.L. Ministries...

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H.E.A.L.’s vision is to bring hope and healing to widows, orphans, and abandoned women and children in a Christ-centered environment. HEAL Ministries was founded on James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."