Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More reflections from recent team members...

Two more recent team members share their heart:

Working with HEAL ministries for three weeks has been an eye opening and life changing experience. The work that this ministry does for abandoned women and orphans is so amazing because not only is it changing the lives of these individuals, but these individuals can then change their own communities. God has such a great plan for this ministry and HEAL is truly doing His work. I got to experience this first hand on the very first day of my trip when we had Bible Study in Masese with the women. Their faith and passion for the Lord is overwhelming. It fills the visible poverty and hardships of this slum community with loud joyful cries praising the Lord. With the new James Place property, this work can now be even more effective and outreaching for these women and children. Seeing the Dedication of the James Place and watching the women pray over the property, showed me how important this building will be to the community. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the future of HEAL Ministries.
Brennan Frazier, Harpeth Hall Winterim 2013


Traveling to Uganda with HEAL Ministries presented me with the most amazing opportunity and easily the most incredible experience of my life. Just being there for about 2 and a half weeks I have been able to witness the work that HEAL has done and that they will doing in the coming years. It is like a huge movement is being rooted all throughout Jinja and I can see the beginning of it. 
In the villages of Masesse as well as all the partnering ministries, it is amazing for me to witness how many women and children have already come to know Christ through Tina, Trey, and HEAL, and I know God has a great plan for the future work of HEAL in Uganda. The joy and thankfulness of all the women and children in the villages never ceases to amaze me. Jinja is a special place that has stolen my heart as well as many others. I hope to go back with HEAL in the near future to help continue the wonderful work they have already begun! 
Liza Southwick, Harpeth Hall Winterim 2013 Team

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About H.E.A.L. Ministries...

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H.E.A.L.’s vision is to bring hope and healing to widows, orphans, and abandoned women and children in a Christ-centered environment. HEAL Ministries was founded on James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."